What does lower eyelid surgery treat?

Lower eyelid surgery is primarily used to address puffy or bulging bags underneath your eyes that give the face an aged, sad, exhausted appearance. When performed by a skilled facial plastic surgeon such as Dr. Yael Halaas, lower eyelid surgery can achieve a wide range of benefits, including: 

  • Removing puffy or bulging bags under the eyes 
  • Improving the appearance of wrinkles in the area
  • Correcting lower eyelids that show white under the iris
  • Reducing loose skin and excess fat around the lower eyes
  • Correcting asymmetry of the lower eyelids

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Lower blepharoplasty procedure details

Lower blepharoplasty takes about one hour, and can be performed under local anesthesia and PO sedation — or general anesthesia, depending on patient preference. Dr. Halaas has an accredited operating room for which she studied, and she also serves as an accreditation inspector around the tri-state area.

During lower eyelid surgery in NYC, Dr. Halaas removes excess skin, muscle, and fat, and may also re-position fat and/or tighten lax muscles as needed. She makes the incision just underneath the lower lashes, in the natural creases of the area so that when healed, it will be nearly invisible.

In cases where excess fat is the main cause of sagging or bulging, the best approach is often to simply remove the fat through an incision inside the lower eyelid. This is a procedure known as a transconjunctival blepharoplasty.

I had lower blepharoplasty, and my only regret is not having it done sooner. I am truly amazed at how everything turned out and could not have asked for a better surgeon and overall experience! As if her expertise wasn’t enough, her top-notch staff was icing on the cake.


Lower Blepharoplasty Cost

The starting cost for lower blepharoplasty is $11,000. During your consultation with Dr. Halaas, details about your procedure, individual health considerations, and the anticipated surgical approach will be thoroughly discussed. When considering cosmetic surgery pricing, it's important to recognize that the final cost is tailored to meet each patient's unique needs. This personalized approach ensures transparency and clarity regarding the total investment required for your aesthetic goals.

We aim to empower you to make informed decisions about your cosmetic journey by providing a detailed breakdown of costs. Call our office for more details and schedule a consultation for a more personalized quote just for you.

Recovery and results

The average amount of recovery time for lower eyelid surgery is one week off of work and regular activities. The first two days after surgery should be spent at home comfortably, where you can easily apply ice and take it easy. During recovery, your eyes will likely feel tight, sore, sticky and dry, and/or swollen, and they may also be discolored due to bleeding. You may also experience some eye leakage as your eyes heal, and you will have stitches in the incisions. Your vision also may be blurry, and you may find that your eyes are very light-sensitive. Bruising and inflammation can last from one week to one month, but discomfort should be minimal. Your sutures will be removed five days following surgery. To speed healing and keep swelling at bay, keep your head elevated with soft, “moldable” cold compresses over your eyes. Avoid contact lenses and all forms of exercise for at least three weeks. Results are apparent at about six weeks after surgery. You will have follow-up visits with Dr. Halaas at one week, one month, three months, six months, and one year.

Written by Dr. Halaas

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