About facial hair transplants

As the number one female hair restoration surgeon on the East Coast — and as a professional who has dedicated the past 17 years to offering patients the best care in hair restoration — Dr. Yael Halaas is happy to offer facial hair transplants at her NYC and Westchester area practice. This surgical procedure provides both partial and full facial hair transplants, depending on the patient’s goals. The surgery is meticulously performed under Dr. Halaas’s skilled hands, with great detail in creating a natural look. 

What can a facial hair transplant accomplish?

  • A full beard can be created 
  • Facial scarring or a birthmark can be hidden
  • Patchy areas can be made thicker 
  • Hair asymmetry can be corrected 

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Where does the hair come from?

Like other hair transplantation techniques, the hair for facial hair transplants comes from the back of the head. 

The “strip” method (called follicular unit transplant or follicular unit grafting) involves removing a small strip of hair-bearing scalp, which is then closed as a fine linear scar which is eventually hidden by the surrounding hair. 

The follicular unit extraction method involves shaving a small area of the posterior scalp and individually removing each follicular unit, which contain about four hairs each. This method is relatively scarless, since there are no linear scars or sutures. With both methods, the individual hair grafts are then delicately implemented one-by-one into the areas where hair is needed. 

Dr. Halaas is the go-to for beard transplants. It’s been a year since my beard transplant, and the hairs have grown in perfectly. I no longer have those awkward empty patches on my beard. It finally is shaped the way I want it.


What causes facial baldness?

Genetics play a strong role in determining the amount, thickness, and density of facial hair — and hormonal factors influence the development of facial hair as well. In addition, facial scarring (secondary to acne or trauma) results in patchy areas of hair loss. Scars will not usually grow hair without a transplant, but can grow hair quite well after a transplant. Finally, a variety of medical illnesses, such as thyroid disease and autoimmune disorders, can also affect facial hair. 


Who is a good candidate for a facial hair transplant?

Men and women of any ethnic background who want to increase their facial hair (eyebrows, eyelashes, mustache, or a beard) are candidates for a facial hair transplant.

When can I see results?

It may take up to one year before results are final.

Is a facial hair transplant permanent?

Once the transplant is done, the hair is permanent. Typically 90% of the transplanted hair will grow, although at first, the hairs may appear to grow immediately, or they may fall out. This is part of the hair growth phase, and as the implanted hair starts to grow (within about 3 months), it will blend with the rest of your existing facial hair.

Written by Dr. Halaas

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