Nose surgery is one of Dr. Halaas’ specialties. She’s a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon in NYC that can achieve long-lasting, natural-looking results that match your face. Whether you want to correct a deviated septum, straighten a crooked nose, reduce nasal prominence, or smooth bumps, your concerns can be effectively addressed with rhinoplasty.
Recovery and aftercare
Once your rhinoplasty procedure is complete, Dr. Halaas will place an external splint and tape over your nose to help it heal during the following week. Expect swelling and bruising, including under the eyes. Keep your head elevated, including during your sleep, and apply cold compresses around your nose and eyes.
Most patients can return to sedentary work in about two weeks. Do not exercise for 3-4 weeks. Swelling will continue to slowly decrease over the following few months.
Some patients worry because the swelling can cause distortion or asymmetry during the healing phase. Dr. Halaas will guide you through this, as it is normal, although understandably concerning. Your final results will appear after the nose has settled and the swelling has fully subsided. Your nose will slightly improve its new shape even after the initial year of recovery.