Limited Time Offer:  $500 off Blepharoplasty

*Offer ends October 31st

New York Eyelid Surgery

Age and other factors cause the skin to age and sag, wrinkling around the eyes, bagging beneath the lower eyelids and resulting in dark circles, or causing a hooded, tired appearance with sagging upper eyelids. More significant sagging can even impair eyesight. These changes in the skin around the eyes can result in a grouchy or exhausted facial appearance, even if you’re feeling rested and happy. 

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, addresses sagging skin on or around the eyelids to tighten and rejuvenate the eyes, achieving a younger, refreshed, and more appealing appearance. There are different types of eyelid surgery that are designed to focus on the upper eyelids or lower eyelids. These procedures can also be performed at the same time for patients who require both eyelids to be addressed.

Before & After
Eyelid Surgery*Individual results may vary

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Eyelid Surgery Procedures

Upper eyelid surgery

Upper eyelid surgery is performed to address loose, drooping skin on and around the upper eyelids, that cause a hooded, tired, or older appearance.

Lower eyelid surgery

Lower eyelid surgery is performed to smooth puffy bags and fill dark circles under the eyes to create a more youthful contour.

Asian eyelid surgery

Asian eyelid surgery is a procedure designed to create a fold in the upper eyelid and/or reduce excess tissue along the eyelids. Asian eyelid surgery maintains cultural identity while reducing vision impairment and improving the definition and size of the eyes.

Benefits of eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery provides many benefits for patients who would like to improve the appearance of their eyelids. Benefits of eyelid surgery in NYC or Westchester include the following:

  • Smoothed and reduced eye bags and under-eye puffiness
  • Better line of sight and improved field of vision
  • Eliminated skin irritation
    (from the rubbing of excess folds of skin)
  • A renewed, refreshed appearance
  • A fuller, more youthful contour beneath the lower eyelids
  • Reduced dark circles under the eyes
  • Reduced muscle tension from forehead muscle straining
  • Lifted, rejuvenated skin
  • Reduced fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes
  • Natural-looking, wider eyes that appear larger
  • Reduced vision impairment from excess skin

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Why choose Dr. Halaas?

As a double board-certified plastic surgeon in Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,  Dr. Yael Halaas has two decades of experience in facial plastic surgery procedures such as eyelid surgery.

Dr. Halaas is the number one female facial plastic surgeon in NYC and one of the most renowned Facial Plastic Surgeons in the country. Her combined artistic sensibility and expertise in the latest surgical techniques make her an authority in the field. She is a trusted opinion leader as a facial plastic surgeon who has performed hundreds of successful eyelid surgeries for satisfied patients. 

Dr. Halaas’ understanding, compassionate bedside manner balances well with her safe, cutting-edge surgical skills. Patients trust her honest, empathetic manner and professional skill. If you would like to know more about blepharoplasty in NYC, we invite you to contact us about a consultation with Dr. Halaas.


by Dr. Halaas

Eyelid Surgery Patient Reviews

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Candidates for eyelid surgery

Patients who are not happy with the appearance of their eyes or who would like to reduce sagging, drooping skin may be candidates for this eyelid surgery. Dr. Halaas will consult with you to examine your eyes and discuss your aesthetic concerns and goals. From this consultation, you will determine whether you are an ideal candidate for this procedure. Candidates generally meet the following requirements:

  • Are in good general health
  • Have no serious medical conditions
  • Do not smoke
  • Have no current eye infections or inflammations
  • Have realistic expectations for what eyelid surgery can achieve
  • Would like to improve hooded eyelids, bags, and sagging skin

What procedures can be combined with eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery pairs well with a number of other surgical procedures, such as a facelift and neck lift. Eyelid surgery is also often complimented well by a brow lift surgery to achieve the most ideal, refreshed results.

Cost of eyelid surgery

Facial cosmetic surgery is completely customized for each individual to achieve their ideal results and address their exact, unique concerns. Dr. Halaas will determine your needs, the complexity of the procedure required, and whether you would like upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid surgery, or both during the same procedure. Based on this consultation and your personalized surgical plan, Dr. Halaas will provide the exact cost of your procedure. To learn more about the cost of your eyelid surgery in NYC, please call our office to schedule a consultation.

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